Sunday, February 4, 2007

Escape Headphones

The Escape Headphones by Chris Woebken : "The proximity-sensing headphone is an experimental sonic device that allows small spaces feel much larger than they are. While most portable listening devices usually mask your environment with a soundtrack, this device aims to create a playful sonic experience."

1 comment:

Anita said...

I like this idea because it would be fun to wear headphones that would make me feel like I was in a large area such as a field, arena, or cavern when I was inside for example a crowded library. If this project would use found sound effects such as nature sounds or echoes then it would help me relax in an otherwise stressful environment. It would also be interesting if you were listening to music with this device but when it detected that your heart rate was going up and you were feeling more claustrophobic then the "escape" music would turn on and calm you down.